"I wanna thank you again for all the good care and just being such wonderful people, I can’t wait to see you again!"
Dear Peter and Daphne,
You can’t understand what huge part of my life you became. Since the first day in South Africa, I am convinced that our meeting was supposed to be. I still remember every single day, all the lovely conversations and fun we had. Now every time anybody wants to know how my life in South Africa was like, I talk about the both of you first! After the crazy experiences we got during the day, coming to your house always felt like coming home. Sometimes I joked about you being my South-African parents…but the longer I am separated from you, the more I understand it was not a joke. Because of you, our journey was possible.
Your cooking skills and your caring hearts were always amazing but that’s not why I love you. I love you because you were always there for everybody who needs help. You are without a question the most gentle people I know, it’s amazing to experience the way you look at the world. Daphne, your smile always makes me smile as well! And every time I think about Peter, I think about the story of the tree that’s growing like the love in the hearts of the children. I wanna thank you again for all the good care and just being such wonderful people, I can’t wait to see you again! You’ll be forever in my heart!

Name: Raymond Kroek
Age: 18
Country: Netherlands
Volunteer in: 2015